Saturday, July 11, 2015

Pavlov's Dog (Rewarding Bad Behavior From Women)

Women have had this figured out for ages.  If a guy isn't acting right, they act accordingly.  They may give you the silent treatment.  Even worse, they withhold sex.

Nice Guys on the other hand do things backwards.  If their woman seems to be in a sour mood or just doesn't seem to be acting right, they buy her gifts.  We take her out on a date, or buy flowers.  When a woman isn't having sex often enough for our liking, we try to do something romantic thinking this will get her to give us more sex.  Isn't that what all those articles (written by women of course) tell us we should do?

The problem here is that you are actually rewarding her bad behavior.

What you're doing is actually teaching her that it's okay for her to treat you the way she does.  Every time she withholds sex, she gets a nice dinner.  Every time she is acting like a brat, you show her more affection.  If you have a kid that's pouting or isn't acting right, would you go and buy them some ice cream to reward the way they're acting?  If your best buddy was acting rude, would you treat him to a sporting event to get him to be nice?  Of course not, so why do it with your woman?

This is how a lot of REALLY attractive women behave.  Because she's pretty, people have been kissing her ass her whole life.  Why should she change the way she behaves if you're still catering to her every whim?

I shake my head at men who only get sex a few times a month buying their women jewelry or gifts.  A woman isn't paying you a lot of attention, and you go buy her some flowers.  Why in God's name would you do that?  If anything you should STOP doing those things until her behavior changes.  (By the way guys, a woman who tries to use sex as a weapon or a bargaining chip isn't somebody you want to be with in the first place.)  I'm not just preaching this from the mountain top either, I've made this mistake a few times myself.  I know what these men are going through because I've been there.

When my wife was thinking of leaving me (for another guy of course), I was at my worst.  Even one of my guy friends was telling me I need to buy flowers, perfume, candy, etc.  I was giving her massages, buying flowers, preparing romantic candlelit dinners, etc....almost for a month straight.   Even took her on a surprise getaway.  All because that's what society conditions us guys to do if something is wrong in our relationship.  Once I actually found out what was REALLY going on in my relationship, all that nice treatment came to a SCREECHING HALT.

Between you and me, all those massages and dinners did NOTHING to force her to make a decision.  Only when I got my balls back and basically told her to piss or get off the pot (make a decision) did things change.  Women don't like or respect wimps, aka Nice Guys.

What you need to do is flip the script here.  You have to reward GOOD behavior.  The same way women have us trained (wash her car, get a blowjob, etc) is what you need to do.  Your woman gives you a surprise blowjob downstairs in the living room....reward her with a massage or a movie night.  A woman gives you sex 3 or 4 times in a week, treat her to a romantic dinner.

You get the picture.  Women have been doing this to us for ages, it's time we learn the tricks of the trade.

Always remember, what gets rewarded gets repeated.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Dude, Where's My Lighter?

July 1st 2015.

Marijuana is now legal in the state of Oregon and people are rejoicing in the streets.  Well, they would be if they weren't too stoned to

In the days leading up to this, there have been countless radio ads warning people of the rules.  So apparently it's okay to POSSESS marijuana, but it's not okay to BUY it unless it's from a store, which of course no stores are up and running yet.   So the only way it's okay is if you grow your own, or if someone gives it to you as a gift.

If someone gives you an ounce of weed as a "gift", then you might also want to buy a lottery ticket that day as well.

Things I Learned While Becoming An Amazon Author

1.  Your first book likely isn't going to be a New York bestseller.    No matter how many friends and family members you inform about your book, it likely isn't going to be a huge hit.   I know we hear those stories of authors who find success right out of the gate, but they're more of an exception rather than the norm.   You might actually spend more money advertising your first book than you will make in revenue.  Your 2nd and 3rd books are usually where you'll start to see an increase in revenue after building a following.

2.  Choose your editor wisely.   In my rush to be published, I wasn't overly careful in picking an editor to convert my work into the Kindle format.    You can have the greatest book in the world but if the editing is poor, people aren't likely to finish reading it.

3.  Pricing matters.    It's amazing to me that twice as many people bought my book when it was priced at $2.99 rather than 99 cents.

4.  Choose a good cover designer.  The cover of my book looked great, or so I thought.  When I uploaded it to Amazon, the words on the cover didn't look quite as crisp.   Make sure you choose someone who is very experienced in creating book covers.

5.  Even if only one person buys your book, you're a success.   Look at how many people TALK about writing a book but never do it.  The fact that you put your words into action is not something to be taken lightly.   Not many people can say they are published author, so celebrate your successes no matter how small they are and keep writing!   Rome wasn't built in a day, and the same applies for your literary career.